Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Game Ready Cold Therapy Compression System - 1866 Words

EBP Research Project: Game Ready ® Cold Therapy Compression System Kristen Nielson ATR 457 – Modalities Due: 11/18/2014 Table of Contents Game Ready ® Cold Therapy Compression System 3 Physiological Effects 4 Setup 6 Parameters for Application 6 Indications 7 Contraindications 7 Precautions 8 References 10 Game Ready ® Cold Therapy Compression System Game Ready ® is a modality system that employs the ice and compression components of RICE (Rest-Ice-Compression-Elevation) treatment techniques for acute injuries and post-surgical patients. In addition, the machine mimics the body’s natural muscle contractions in an effort to manufacture a pump system within the body that can aid in lymphatic function. Game Ready ® addresses several therapeutic goals including edema reduction, inflammation control, secondary tissue injury limitation, and pain management ultimately resulting in range of motion (ROM) increases and faster return to function. This is done through the use of pneumatic compression that forms each cold wrap to the contours of the body for better surface contact over a greater area. As the treatment begins, cold water begins to fill the connector hose and the vapors inflate the wrap around the injured area. This is known as active cold and compression because the constant circulation of cold water vapor removes heat from the body locally at a faster rate than static cold application and the constant changes in compression work like a pump to assist theShow MoreRelatedI Had A Good Learning Experience Observing Pt And Ptas2133 Words   |  9 Pagesresidential apartments. The PT clinic was on the first floor and the apartments were on second and third floors. The PT clinic was very spacious, organized and neat. There was a small cabin in the entrance for unit clerk, a big therapy room, and two rooms for evaluations. The therapy room was quite big. 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